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/ The PC-SIG Library 10 / The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso / PC_SIGCD / 25 / 4 / DISK2549.ZIP / DESERT2.EXE / DESERT.HLP < prev    next >
Text File  |  1991-05-10  |  18KB  |  219 lines

  1. 002|002|002|026|050|074|098|122|170|026|026|026|026|                    196|  |
  2. |                                                                             |
  3. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  4. ║                              DESERT STORM                                   ║
  5. ║─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║
  6. ║ Welcome to the Desert Storm\Farewell to Babylon. Desert Storm is a hypertext║
  7. ║ type database created in and running under PC-KEY-DRAW.  Use a mouse,       ║
  8. ║ joystick or cursor keys to move around the arrow around the screen.  Select ║
  9. ║ the desired action with <ENTER> or the left mouse button.  Use <BackSpace>  ║
  10. ║ to move backward one step at a time.  To change the joystick sensitivity    ║
  11. ║ use <j>.                                                                    ║
  12. ║                                                                             ║
  13. ║ You can freely explore the database in any order you desire. Most selections║
  14. ║ move to another screen full of information, but some selections provide     ║
  15. ║ animation or supplemental information.  To get population and other info on ║
  16. ║ each country in the database move the cursor over the country name in large ║
  17. ║ type and use <ENTER> to select.                                             ║
  18. ║                                                                             ║
  19. ║ We hope you find Desert Storm\Farewell to Babylon to be easy, fun, and very ║
  20. ║ informative to use.                                                         ║
  21. ║                                                                             ║
  22. ║                                                                             ║
  23. ║         Use <?> to enter this text file at any point in the program         ║
  24. ║         Use <Esc> to exit this text file and return to the database         ║
  25. ║         Additional information is available using <PgDn> and <PgUp>         ║
  26. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  27. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  28. ║                              DESERT STORM                                   ║
  29. ║─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║
  30. ║ Welcome to the Desert Storm\Farewell to Babylon. Desert Storm is being      ║
  31. ║ distributed as shareware with a registration fee of only $15, of which $5   ║
  32. ║ will be donated to the American Red Cross to support their fund raising     ║
  33. ║ efforts.  When you register you will receive the latest version of the      ║
  34. ║ program.  We plan to update the program as time, funds, and events permit.  ║
  35. ║                                                                             ║
  36. ║ Thank you for your support.  Your comments and suggestions are welcome.     ║
  37. ║                                                                             ║
  38. ║ Desert Storm\Farewell to Babylon was conceived, created and illustrated by: ║
  39. ║                                                                             ║
  40. ║    Vance J. Cushing                                                         ║
  41. ║                                                                             ║
  42. ║ Desert Storm is a HyperDraw application created in and running under:       ║
  43. ║                                                                             ║
  44. ║    PC-KEY-DRAW by OEDWARE                                                   ║
  45. ║                                                                             ║
  46. ║ Desert Storm and PC-KEY-DRAW are available directly from:                   ║
  47. ║                                                                             ║
  48. ║    OEDWARE, PO Box 595, Columbia, MD 21045-0595, (301) 997-9333             ║
  49. ║                                                                     * MORE *║
  50. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  51. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  52. ║                                                                             ║
  53. ║ To register Desert Storm and get the latest version. Send check, money order║
  54. ║ Visa, or MasterCard number, along with your name and address to:            ║
  55. ║                                                                             ║
  56. ║    OEDWARE                                                                  ║
  57. ║    PO Box 595                                                               ║
  58. ║    Columbia, MD 21045-0595                                                  ║
  59. ║                                                                             ║
  60. ║ or FAX your credit card number to:                                          ║
  61. ║                                                                             ║
  62. ║    OEDWARE   (301) 997-2143                                                 ║
  63. ║                                                                             ║
  64. ║ or call with your credit card number to:                                    ║
  65. ║                                                                             ║
  66. ║    OEDWARE   (301) 997-9333                                                 ║
  67. ║                                                                             ║
  68. ║ For additional information call:                                            ║
  69. ║                                                                             ║
  70. ║    OEDWARE   (301) 997-9333     or BBS   (301) 730-1253                     ║
  71. ║                                                                             ║
  72. ║                                                                             ║
  73. ║                See the next page for a handy registration form      * MORE *║
  74. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  75. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  76. ║                          REGISTRATION FORM                                  ║
  77. ║                                                                             ║
  78. ║ Thank you for creating Desert Storm.  Here is $15 for registration to       ║
  79. ║ encourage you to improve the program and to create additional information   ║
  80. ║ systems.  I understand I will receive the latest version and that $5 will   ║
  81. ║ will be donated to the American Red Cross.                                  ║
  82. ║                                                                             ║
  83. ║ Name:______________________________________________________   Diskette Size ║
  84. ║                                                                             ║
  85. ║ Company:___________________________________________________   __ 5 1/4"     ║
  86. ║                                                                             ║
  87. ║ Address:___________________________________________________   __ 3 1/2"     ║
  88. ║                                                                             ║
  89. ║ City:__________________________ State:_____ Zip:___________                 ║
  90. ║                                                                             ║
  91. ║ Phone:_____________________________________________________                 ║
  92. ║                                                                             ║
  93. ║ Credit Card #:______________________________ Expires:______                 ║
  94. ║                                                                             ║
  95. ║ Signature:_________________________________________________                 ║
  96. ║                                                                             ║
  97. ║                     Use Print Screen to reproduce this form        * MORE * ║
  98. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  99. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  100. ║                                DISTRIBUTION                                 ║
  101. ║                                                                             ║
  102. ║ Anyone interested in distributing Desert Storm - Farewell to Babylon can do ║
  103. ║ so provided no fee other then a small disk copying fee is charged ($5 for   ║
  104. ║ complete set maximum); all files are included, unaltered; and the user      ║
  105. ║ is informed that the program is shareware.                                  ║
  106. ║                                                                             ║
  107. ║ Please pass on copies to friends, relatives and business acquaintances.     ║
  108. ║                                                                             ║
  109. ║                                                                             ║
  110. ║                               ADDING YOUR OWN                               ║
  111. ║                                                                             ║
  112. ║ Desert Storm - Farewell to Babylon does not have to be static.  You can add ║
  113. ║ to it by using PC-KEY-DRAW.  You may want to create new images, enhance the ║
  114. ║ current images or added additional links between images.  It is easy to do  ║
  115. ║ and others can share in what you have created.  We would appreciate copies  ║
  116. ║ of any additions that you make so that we can added them to the master copy ║
  117. ║ for others to share.                                                        ║
  118. ║                                                                             ║
  119. ║                                                                             ║
  120. ║                                                                             ║
  121. ║                                                                    * MORE * ║
  122. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  123. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  124. ║                                   COMMENTS                                  ║
  125. ║                                                                             ║
  126. ║ We are happy to share some of the early comments from those that have tried ║
  127. ║ Desert Storm - Farewell to Babylon.                                         ║
  128. ║                                                                             ║
  129. ║ "Once in a while a new program comes along that gets us excited. Well,      ║
  130. ║  DESERT STORM is just such a program its timely release makes it even more  ║
  131. ║  exciting."                                                                 ║
  132. ║                                                  Curt Bruce                 ║
  133. ║                                                  The Software Shoppe        ║
  134. ║                                                                             ║
  135. ║ "I was very impressed with the appearance of this package...I take my hat   ║
  136. ║  off to you and your firm."                                                 ║
  137. ║                                                  Bruce Fulda                ║
  138. ║                                                  Cheap Disks                ║
  139. ║                                                                             ║
  140. ║ "Enclosed is my $15 registration fee.  I'm looking forward to receiving the ║
  141. ║  latest version of the program."                                            ║
  142. ║                                                  John Pulliam               ║
  143. ║                                                                             ║
  144. ║ "So that is what happened!!"                     Saddam Hussein             ║
  145. ║                                                                    * MORE * ║
  146. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  147. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  148. ║                                 MORE COMMENTS                               ║
  149. ║                                                                             ║
  150. ║ "This is a fun piece of spectacular, mouse-oriented shareware devoted to    ║
  151. ║  informing AND entertaining the uneducated about a little bit of the history║
  152. ║  geography, personalities and armament of Iraq, its neighbors, and others   ║
  153. ║  involved in the Persian Gulf conflict."                                    ║
  154. ║                                                  John Iannuzzi              ║
  155. ║                                                                             ║
  156. ║ "It's a lot of fun to explore and the author, Vance Cushing, seems to be    ║
  157. ║  doing a fine job of updating and adding information."                      ║
  158. ║                                                  Paul Demmitt               ║
  159. ║                                                  President of CMMUG         ║
  160. ║                                                                             ║
  161. ║ "The real strength of this program is its detailed drawing and descriptions ║
  162. ║  of the military hardware involved...But what really makes this program fun ║
  163. ║  is its dynamic aspects. It has several animation sequences...most import-  ║
  164. ║  antly the events of February 24-26...I commend this program to all military║
  165. ║  nuts, kids studying the history of the war, and those computer users who   ║
  166. ║  would like to see a piece of educational software that is lots of fun."    ║
  167. ║                                                  David Olson                ║
  168. ║                                                  Editor of Bug Bytes        ║
  169. ║                                                                    * MORE * ║
  170. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  171. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  172. ║                                 MORE COMMENTS                               ║
  173. ║                                                                             ║
  174. ║ "Now a very creative and inexpensive program called Desert Storm - Farewell ║
  175. ║  to Babylon by Vance Cushing preserves the history of that conflict...Add   ║
  176. ║  an important piece of history to your disk collection."                    ║
  177. ║                                                  Dennis Carothers           ║
  178. ║                                                  PC Report                  ║
  179. ║                                                  The Boston Computer Society║
  180. ║                                                                             ║
  181. ║                                 RELIEF EFFORTS                              ║
  182. ║                                                                             ║
  183. ║ Your support for the Red Cross is now needed more then ever.  Please help by║
  184. ║ registering this program, remember we will send $5 to the Red Cross.  You   ║
  185. ║ may want to send additional moneys to the Red Cross to help them help those ║
  186. ║ who are suffering. For your convenience a printable form is included on the ║
  187. ║ next page.  Use <PgDn> and then <Print Screen> to send the form to the your ║
  188. ║ printer.  Then just fill it out and mail it to the address on the form.     ║
  189. ║ Its that easy and you will be helping a lot of needy people!                ║
  190. ║                                                                             ║
  191. ║                                                                             ║
  192. ║                             THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!                       ║
  193. ║                                                                    * MORE * ║
  194. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  195. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  196. ║                Donation to American Red Cross Relief Efforts                ║
  197. ║                                                                             ║
  198. ║ I have enclosed a check to help with your numerous relief efforts, both here║
  199. ║ and across the globe.  I was made aware of the need for help through the    ║
  200. ║ computer program Desert Storm - Farewell to Babylon.                        ║
  201. ║                                                                             ║
  202. ║ Name:______________________________________________________    ____ $25     ║
  203. ║                                                                             ║
  204. ║ Address:___________________________________________________    ____ $50     ║
  205. ║                                                                             ║
  206. ║ City:__________________________ State:_____ Zip:___________    ____$100     ║
  207. ║                                                                             ║
  208. ║ Phone:_____________________________________________________    ____$200     ║
  209. ║                                                                             ║
  210. ║ Credit Card #:______________________________ Expires:______    ____$500     ║
  211. ║                                                                             ║
  212. ║ Signature:_________________________________________________    ____ Other   ║
  213. ║                                                                             ║
  214. ║                                                                             ║
  215. ║    Send to: American Red Cross * P.O. Box 37243 * Washington, DC 20013      ║
  216. ║                                                                             ║
  217. ║                     Use Print Screen to reproduce this form                 ║
  218. ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝